Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Days 151-152 - A Surprise and the Coffee House

Hello dear friends! I have missed you all. I hope your lives are going well. I realize what a long time it's been since I posted any of my photos but I assure you I have not been slacking! Tonight I will pick up where I left off and promise not to take quite so long in sharing my work henceforth!

Tonight I am going to talk about changes. Change is kind of a scary subject - it's hard to break out of a pattern and try something new. But change happens and often it's not the change we expect. There have been a lot of changes in the last few months for Josh and I and, moreover, for the people around us.

The change in tonight's post refers to a dear friend of ours - Fr John Bettmann. Many of you know I was participating in a four year course called EFM - Education for Ministry. For those of you who are not familiar with the program, it is a wonderful experience. We discuss the Bible, it's history, and it's implications on our lives, as modern Christians living in the real world. Josh and I went through year 1 last year where we met some new and very dear friends. One of these people is Fr John. Fr John has a wealth of knowledge and is willing to share it with anyone willing to listen. He has been a huge advocate for the EFM program and a great spiritual inspiration to me. He and his amazing wife Elisabeth retired and moved to North Carolina. Sad as I am to see them go, I know this change will be good for them. This photo is Fr John learning that the rocking chair in which he is sitting is our EFM class' going away gift to him.

Best of luck, John and Elisabeth! God speed!

Day 152 was a pretty exciting day too. The Federated Church played host to a "Coffee House" and many community musicians were there to provide live music. This photo is of one of Carlinville's finest harmonica players and former college art teacher to me.

Well, that's me for this evening dear friends! Rest well have a blessed tomorrow!

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